The course is a management training programme, with a focus on starting and improving small businesses as a strategy for creating more and better employment for women and youth. The course is composed of a set of inter-related training packages and supporting materials for different levels of business maturity from starting to growing enterprises.
The programme is structured into 3 separate training packages:
Generate Your Business (GYB)
It is intended for people who would like to start a business and who, through training, develop a concrete business idea ready for implementation. The duration for this training is 2-3 days.
Start Your Business (SYB)
It is for potential entrepreneurs who want to start a small business and already have a concrete business idea. The course includes a combination of trainings, field work and after-training support, and helps the participants assess their readiness to start a business and to prepare a business plan and evaluate its viability. The duration for this training is 5 days.
Improve Your Business (IYB)
The course introduces the principles of business management to already practicing entrepreneurs. It comprises of seven modules -
- Marketing
- Costing
- Buying
- Stock control
- Record keeping
- Planning for Business
- People and Productivity